桑港学園 中級二 太田


Oral Production Practice 3 (Lesson 7)


Instructions:  Say the following out loud in Japanese.  (Check the answer key on page 2.)


  1. This morning, I didn’t want to go to school, but I did.


  1. I don’t want to play soccer, but I want to play tennis.


  1. I wanted to watch that movie, but I watched another one yesterday.


  1. Since I didn’t sleep very well yesterday, I didn’t want to go to Soko Gakuen.


  1. What’s the date today?  What day is it today?  What time is it now? (Answer the Qs.)


  1. Excuse me, but may I ask a question?


  1. A: Are you open tomorrow afternoon?


  1. B: Yes, we are.  What time is a good time for you?


  1. A: From what time to what time are you open?


  1. B: We’re open from 2 to 7 p.m.


  1. Then, I’d like to make an appointment at 2….


  1. [Phone conversation] Hello.  Is this the Ota residence?  Is (Ms.) Mari there? [Politely]


  1. I’m sorry I have misdialed.


  1. A: What’s the matter? [Formal] [Informal]


  1. B: I’ve caught a cold. [Response to #14]


  1. B: I have a stomachache and a fever. [Response to #14]




桑港学園 中級二 太田


Oral Production Practice 3 (Lesson 7) Answer Key


  1. This morning, I didn’t want to go to school, but I did.

けさ、がっこうに いきたくなかったんですが、いきました。

  1. I don’t want to play soccer, but I want to play tennis.

サッカーは したくないんですが、テニスが したいです。

  1. I wanted to watch that movie, but I watched another one yesterday.


  1. Since I didn’t sleep very well yesterday, I didn’t want to go to Soko Gakuen.

きのう あまりねませんでしたから、そうこうがくえんに いきたくありませんでした。

  1. What’s the date today?  What day is it today?  What time is it now? (Answer the Qs.)


  1. Excuse me, but may I ask a question?


  1. Are you open tomorrow afternoon?

あしたのごごは やってますか(あいていますか)。

  1. Yes, we are.  What time is a good time for you?


  1. From what time to what time are you open?

なんじから なんじまで やってますか。

  1. B: We’re open from 2 to 7 p.m.

にじから しちじまでやってます。

  1. Then, I’d like to make an appointment at 2….

じゃ、にじに よやくしたいんですが。

  1. [Phone conversation] Hello.  Is this the Ota residence?  Is (Ms.) Mari there? [Politely]

もしもし、おおたさんの おたくですか。まりさんは いらっしゃいますか。

  1. I’m sorry I have misdialed.


  1. A: What’s the matter? [Formal] [Informal]

[Formal] どうしたんですか。[Informal] どうした ()

  1. B: I’ve caught a cold. [Response to #14]


  1. B: I have a stomachache and a fever. [Response to #14]



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