そうこうがくえん おおた

Beg 2 Oral production practice: Part 2 (Week 7)


Instructions:  Say the following out loud in Japanese.  (Check the answer key on page 2.)


1.      I had a meal at a lively restaurant yesterday.


2.      I watched an interesting movie with my husband last week.


3.      Ms. Chan received an expensive watch from her friend on her birthday.


4.      There are flowers and a cell phone etc. on the table.


5.      My office is not convenient.  Because there are no convenience stores in the vicinity of my office….


6.      There are two bottles of water in the refrigerator.


7.      What did you give to your mother on Mother’s Day?


8.      I drink Japanese tea every morning.  Coffee is not tasty.


9.      I’d like to make a reservation.


10.  Where is the new bookstore?


11.  The reception desk is on the second floor.


12.  How many pieces of cake are there on the table?


13.  Approximately what time do you eat lunch every day?


14.  There are two men in front of the bank.  There is no one in front of the hospital.


15.  The bakery is next to the drug store.


16.  Ms. Tanaka received a beautiful ring from Mr. Smith for Valentine’s Day.


17.  My Japanese friend doesn’t have a meal at home at all.


18.  Mr. Suzuki worked in Kyoto last month.


19.  Do Japanese people eat fish every morning?


20.  Mrs. Takahashi often telephones her father.


21.  Two glassful of water, please.


22.  To whom did Mr. Kato give the souvenir from Germany?



Beg 2 Oral production practice: Part 2 (Answer Key)


1.      I had a meal at a lively restaurant yesterday.

きのう、にぎやかな レストランで しょくじを しました。

2.      I watched an interesting movie with my husband last week.

せんしゅう しゅじんと おもしろい えいがを みました。

3.      Ms. Chan received an expensive watch from her friend on her birthday.

チャンさんは たんじょうびに ともだちに たかい とけいを もらいました。

4.      There are flowers and a cell phone etc. on the table.

テーブルの うえに はなや けいたいが あります。

5.      My office is not convenient.  Because there are no convenience stores in the vicinity of my office….

わたしの かいしゃは べんりでは ありません。かいしゃの ちかくに コンビニが ありませんから。

6.      There are two bottles of water in the refrigerator.

れいぞうこの なかに みずが 2ほん あります。

7.      What did you give to your mother on Mother’s Day?

ははのひに おかあさんに なにを あげましたか。

8.      I drink Japanese tea every morning.  Coffee is not tasty.

わたしは まいあさ にほんの おちゃを のみます。コーヒーは おいしくないです。

9.      I’d like to make a reservation.

よやくを おねがいします。

10.  Where is the new bookstore?

あたらしい ほんやは どこですか。

11.  The reception desk is on the second floor.

うけつけは 2かいです。

12.  How many pieces of cake are there on the table?

テーブルの うえに ケーキが いくつ ありますか。

13.  Approximately what time do you eat lunch every day?

まいにち なんじごろ ひるごはんを たべますか。

14.  There are two men in front of the bank.  There is no one in front of the hospital.

ぎんこうの まえに おとこの ひとが ふたり います。びょういんの まえに だれもいません。

15.  The bakery is next to the drug store.

パンやは くすりやの となりです。

16.  Ms. Tanaka received a beautiful ring from Mr. Smith for Valentine’s Day.

たなかさんは バレンタインデーに スミスさんに きれいな ゆびわを もらいました。

17.  My Japanese friend doesn’t have a meal at home at all.

わたしの にほんじんの ともだちは ぜんぜん うちで しょくじを しません。

18.  Mr. Suzuki worked in Kyoto last month.

すずきさんは せんげつ きょうとで しごとを しました。

19.  Do Japanese people eat fish every morning?

にほんじんは まいあさ さかなを たべますか。

20.  Mrs. Takahashi often telephones her father.

たかはしさんは よく おとうさんに でんわを します。

21.  Two glassful of water, please.

みずを 2はい おねがいします。

22.  To whom did Mr. Kato give the souvenir from Germany?

かとうさんは だれに ドイツの おみやげを あげましたか。

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